Case studies
The virus, making it hard for our children to go back to school, made our BedBreezzz team ask ourselves one particular question; how's the breezz in this school? "Breezzz" as in air quality. We all know for students to thrive they need a healthy environment. If the air quality was making them sick, then something needs to be done. That's why we conducted month-long monitoring of a school in our very own city, Edmundston.
The first graph shows that during the first 3 days that the school was closed the humidity level dropped to 7% (See red star on the graphic).
It is well known that a building with dry air results in itchy skin, nose and eyes, chapped lips, nasal congestion, and nosebleeds. Not to mention that a building with humidity levels lower than 30% encourage the spread of viruses that are more easily transmitted in dry environments.

The second graph is about the VOC levels that are about 1000, when the students enter the building, by breathing, it lowers the VOC level to 500, it is still very high and very problematic for the health of the people inside.
The Canada health threshold is an exposure of 100 ppb with a maximum exposure of 1 hour.