
The first year of the new decade, 2020, has certainly proved challenging, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic. As we deal with the present circumstances, it can be difficult to see the positive things occurring in the background. However, it is crucial to take a step back and find the silver lining of 2020 and appreciate the growth we have made and hope we have going forward.
In no space is reopening more controversial than schools, where close and prolonged proximity is inevitable. Many parents worry that their children will fall behind without in-person instruction, especially after these parents need to return to work. On the flip side, school environments are notorious breeding grounds for all kinds of illnesses, and COVID-19 is no expectation.
Spending time outdoors in presence of clean and fresh air might then be safer and more beneficial to health than spending time indoors. Now, the reflection above leads us to ask ourselves what benefits a clean fresh air brings to our body health.